Saturday, February 14, 2009

The 4 Hidden Dynasties

I thought I would write a little about what's going on these days in hopes that it may open some eyes as to what and why things are happening, what it means in the grand scheme of things, God's Overall Plan.

One of the things I think is important to understanding todays world is understanding satan's method of operation. Keep in mind this world belongs to satan and he is attempting to rob you of your soul.
Satan's deception comes in many ways but none more grand than the 4 hidden dynasties from which all other deceptions stems from.
In Zechariah 1:18 you will see mention of "four horns", translated, the four horns are this: horns signify power. Each horn represents a major branch through which satan operates and they are not really hidden.
They are: Education
If you look at what is going on in the world today and look at each one of these four dynasties you will begin to see clearly how satan is operating through them.
In America today you see socialism spreading how do you know? Socialism and communism take God out of the picture.

The political "horn" currently is bankrupting this country and on purpose and at the same time putting themselves up as the savior telling you government is the way out of this mess yet it is government that is the problem not the answer, simply look at the track record of government and see how it's growing and deceiving sucking in everything.

Education "horn" see how education grovels on it's belly for money from the government and in order to get that money it has become an government entity, taking God out of the schools all schools except for the private schools, the private schools are attacked from different angles by efforts of changing tax exempt laws etc... etc...

Financial "horn" Well look first of all at bank loans and credit cards, money for a fee or usery that in itself is not the way to go un disciplined leads to problems. You see now how banks have taken the buy out from the government and see how now they are now part of the political "horn" being told how the money can be used and they are willing because they want more of that money.

Relious "horn" Can you see how many of the churches of today are not teaching God's Word. They have singing and dancing, telethon fundraisers, a preacher can preach for an hour and has not taught anything but yet asks for your money promising you great blessings because of your offerings, yet see how the church grows to mammoth proprtions and your bank account shrinks then these churches fall from the corruption and the deceipt. The money didn't go to help spread God's word.

I offer just these simple examples to trigger the mind into looking at the bigger picture.

Next Lesson: "Parable of the Fig Tree"


  1. This is a great study considering the times. But do you think you could be a little more specific. Show where these points come from in the Word Of God. People will understand! I look forward to it. I know this is not an easy subject. I have been a student for many many years and I am still trying to wrap my mind around the entirety of it.

    1. I agree,you should be more specific. This seems like you are merely stating your opinion.

  2. Your kidding, come on, it's so simple. Let's take political dynasty, look at the horrendous corruption, do I need to explain. There is 4 hidden dynasty's. Education, politics which has become Satan's fav.banking, and religion. All the false doctrine being taught, the wolf in sheep's clothing, setting you up to take the mark in the end, like the rapture. IT'S NOT IN THE BIBLE

    1. Good on you! There are 2 in the field, one is taken up.. they tried to cover his outstretched hands!!

  3. And so it Is, written!.💕

  4. So simple a child can see it! If you have difficulty it is because your vision is obscured by the principles. Remember principality is the "devils" domain! I have witnessed in all 4 of the hidden dynasties and they are more real than reality!

  5. The four horses aka hidden dynasties of the apocalypse are out the gate now ...just found this blog it was sent to me via fb
